"I, um, have a message for your... Sensei"
Aaron is a character created by Sensei PurpleBrick. Please do not use the character or alter the article without her permission.
Aaron is always trying to balance being the kind, caring person he wants to be and the impatient, outspoken ninja he is. With a little help from his friends, he learns when to let things go.
Aaron has short red hair and electric blue eyes, a quirk of his element. He wears a typical ninja gi in blue and gray, with the Academy's symbol on the back.
- Combat - Aaron is skilled with serveral weapons, and does not have a signature weapon.
- Lightning - He is the elemental master of Lightning, and is skilled in the use of it.
Aaron had a very normal and boring childhood. He attended Min-Li's ninja school, and as a result has several ninja friends, though none are very close to him other than his sister, Millie.
The Light Meets the Dark (Spoilers)[]
Aaron enters this story by delivering a message to Allie's sensei. He meets Allie, and, seeing her need for a friend, decides to stick around and be a "replacement" for her lost partner Keara. A rather romantic relationship develops, but Allie refused to give up on Keara, so Aaron reluctantly backed down.
Aaron was present when Allie was kidnapped by Keara's henchmen, and tried to rescue her as they took her. But Allie made him remain, saying that he needed to protect Ninjago from the coming attack. This he attempted to to with some of his classmates, but with none of them possessing the power needed, little was done. But fortunately Allie returns, and Aaron has the pleasure of watching Keara's transformation.
- Allie - Her unhappy situation quickly brought Aaron's pity. But even his good intentions couldn't replace her corrupted friend. The two have a romantic interest in each other, and keep in contact. Ship away, dearies!
- Keara - Not knowing much about her except that she was corrupted, Aaron was slightly jealous of Keara, thinking of her as what stood between him and Allie being together. But when he meets her and sees the joyous reunion between the girls, he changes his mind.
- Millie - As Aaron's younger sister by two years, the siblings are quite close, and have been known to joke around a lot. Gonna be insufferable at those family reunions O_o